Roland Klinger's 1956 Olds 88 Holiday Coupé

This page was made in about 1997 and I leave it here just for fun

Another way to park a car
Another way to park a car's body.

The story began 5 years ago when (after some bottles of wine) I decided to do something against my "midlife crisis". I called my friend Paul Schuster in Minnesota Lake and asked him for a favor: to look for my first car ever back in 1965, when I was in Fort Bliss, TX, with the German Air Force: a 1956 Olds 88. He is a real friend. He found one and shipped it to Germany. It was in a rather good shape but not good enough. So I tore it apart completely to get a real good car. The job was supposed to take about two years so the car would be finished at my 50th birthday. ( I just had my 53rd (g))
Here is what it looked like at the end of 1993: My wife compared it to a pig in the slaughterhouse and did not believe in a successful finish of the adventure.

My friend Huub Bruls in the Netherlands did a real good welding job. He is an artist by profession and normaly creates real big metal sculptures. So his studio has enough height to park the body frontside down. As I never did a restoring job before, the adventure would have failed without the help of another friend in the Netherlands: Bart Schillings, Kerkrade, specialist for automatic transmissions, coordinated everything and gave me all the help I needed. Thanks Bart.

Now let's see what the car looks like today: Born 1956 and going strong again
Born 1956 and going strong again

Some minor rest work has to be done in the interior and then, after the obstacle official technical inspection is passed, which has to be done here in Germany by every car included real old ones, we all are waiting for our first ride along the river Rhine.

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