The 1949 Universal Postal Union Issue


Fakes in 2001

May 2001: BEWARE!
These forged SPECIMEN overprints have been listed by the sellers "atdinvest", "unlimitedstamps" and "futete" at eBay. The "atdinvest seller was also listing at Yahoo. Before November 2000, the eBay seller "cclan" (now no longer registered) was listing similar material.
We believe that these and other overprints listed with the above sellers were being manufactured specifically for sale on Ebay and Yahoo to unsuspecting collectors who believe they are buying "classical forgeries" which do have some collectability and commercial value. However, they are really buying very poor modern manufactured imitations which are contravening various laws in their manufacture and sale, and are worthless from a philatelic point of view as well as valueless.


These stamps show the U.P.U. monumentum in Berne, Switzerland. First day of issue: October 10, 1949. Printed by Waterlow & Sons, Ltd., London Wall, EC.
This series does not exist as "Specimen" stamps.
Design: Eduard Dulac showing the U.P.U. monument in Berne, Switzerland.
Printing: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co., Ltd, New Malden, Surrey, England Format: Sheets of 60 (5 x 12) First Day: 10 October 1949
Perforation: 13½ x 14, French stamps 13½
Watermark: Crown Script CA watermark / RF in sheet

The 1949 British Watermark Mult. Script CA stamps

1949 10cg

S.-G.: 64-Yv: 140
Sc.   : **-Mi: 133

1949 15cg

S.-G.: 65-Yv: 141
Sc.   : **-Mi: 134

1949 30cg

S.-G.: 66-Yv: 142
Sc.   : **-Mi: 135

1949 50cg

S.-G.: 67-Yv: 143
Sc.   : **-Mi: 136

1949 10cg

S.-G.: F77-Yv: 140
Sc.   : **-Mi: 133

1949 15cg

S.-G.: F78-Yv: 141
Sc.   : **-Mi: 134

1949 30cg

S.-G.: F79-Yv: 142
Sc.   : **-Mi: 135

1949 50cg

S.-G.: F80-Yv: 143
Sc.   : **-Mi: 136

The 1949 French Watermark RF in sheet stamps

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