Pre Condominium
6 September 1905: A letter with a story full of drawbacks
The Aug/Sept 1905 PACIFIQUE run
The Aug/Sept 1905 PACIFIQUE run
The Aug/Sept 1905 PACIFIQUE run
22 May 1903
Tarif à 15c. pour la France par un timbre au type Groupe de Nouvelle Calédonie oblitéré par PCH type 5.
Timbre à date NOUMÉA A MARSEILLE LIGNE N°4 8 JUIN 03. Acheminé par [= brought on the way by] le paquebot "AUSTRALIEN" de Sydney (départ 8 Juin) à
Marseille (arrivée 13 Juillet). Arrivée Nice 14 JUIL 03.
A New Caledonian 15c type Group stamp pays the rate for a letter to France cancelled with PCH Type 5 and a LIGNE N°4 cancel of 8 June 03. (Millet coll.)
Note: these two covers came in the same mail bag from New Caledonia to France more than one hundred years ago
and now their images are side by side again on this site.
28 May 1903
Letter from Port Vila to France with New Caledonia 5c strip of three cancelled
with PCH type 5 also tied by "NOUMÉA A MARSEILLE N°4 8 JUIN 03" cancel. The PACIFIQUE was the annex boat from Noumea to Sydney for the AUSTRALIEN.
She had not been in Vila so the two covers went to Noumea with another boat. Backstamped Nouméa June 1 and on arrival July 5. The first known letter from Mère
Marie Alexis (arrived in Port-Vila 1902, last known letter from 1950) ("RW" collection)
26 June 1903
(new 11/2020)
Letter from Port Vila to Bone, ALgeria. The New Caledonia 5c stamp cancelled with GK PM2. Backstamped Noumea 30 June 1903 and Bone Constantine 19 August 1903.
The letter was carried with a local ship from Vila to Noumea. The MM PACIFIQUE left Sydney on 25 June and stayed in Noumea from 30 June until 2 July. She was the annexe to
Messagerioes Maritimes NERA which had left Noumea earlier and waited in Sydney for PACIFIQUE which arrived there on JUli 6 - on this day NERA left Sydney.
Nera left Colombo on 30 July but had to stay in Aden from 5 to 9 August because of boiler failure. She arrived at Marseilles on 11 or 12 August from where this letter
was transported to Bone.
26 June 1903
(new 11/2020)
The 2x June 1903 Portalis wrapper - cancelled maybe 22 or 23 June in Vila. I do not know how the parcel reached Noumea but there
may have been many local opportunities. The PACIFIQUE did not call in Vila before 1904. Cancelled Noumea on 29 June 1903. Messageries Maritime's NERA had
left Moumea on 27 June but PACIFIQUE was there too as annexe and left on 1 or 2 July and reached NERA in Sydney on 6 July, when NERA left
for Marseilles. She was due there on 11 August but was surely late some 5 days as she has a boiler accident in Aden. So I think that
the Jausiers posmark could be 17 August.
2x June 1903
Registered wrapper (declared "Echantillon sans valeur" = sample of no commercial value) at 50c rate from Api to Jausiers, Basses Alpes (today Alpes-de-Haute-Provence), France.
The 50c New Caledonia stamp cancelled with PM2. Registration cachet NR1A.
Monsieur Portalis was one of the French settlers on the west coast of Epi (north bank of Yelmin Creek) who settled on land which the French New Hebrides Company (Captain Gaspar)
claimed but which has never been sold to them. The settlers burnt down the native village of Yemin. Thus Epi was the center of the "French agression in the New Hebrides" as it was called by
English missionaries.
(Kim Spurge coll.)
2x June 1903
2x June 1903
Goyns-Klinger PM2 2x JUIN 03 - maybe 22 or 23 June
2x June 1903
Goyns-Klinger PM2 JUIN 03 - wrong colour image for better cancel visability
29 June 1903
Noumea postmark 29 JUIN 03
17 August(?) 1903
Jausiers postmark 17 August(?) 1903
"Mercury" 1900
An article in "Mercury", Hobart, 13 October 1900, where Portalis is mentioned.
4 July 1903
Postcard to France. The NC 10c stamp is cancelled with type 5 - one of the earliest dates we have of this cancel. ("Mele" coll.)
4 July 1903
(new 17 July 2024)
Postcard "Popinée Néo-Hébridaise" to Paris.
The NC 10c. stamp tied by one of the earliest dates for the PM2 cancel: 4 JUIL 03.
Same sender as the postcard at left.
4 July 1903
picture side
29 July 1903
(new 9/2021)
Postcard to Étretat, France. The NC 1c stamp is cancelled with Goyns-Klinger type PM2 - an early date but postal use doubtful I think.
Source Grosvenor Auctions.
29 July 1903
(new 9/2021)
14 November 1903
(new 9/2021)
Postcard to Étretat, France. The NC 1ßc stamp is cancelled with type 5 13 (NOV) 1903, transit cancel Noumea 17 NOV 1903 and arrival cancel
Étretat 28 DEC 1903.
Source Grosvenor Auctions.
These two cards (as the one in October 1905 below) were written by Hippolyte Alphonse Georges LEBAILLIF, born 8 September 1878 in Étretat,
Seine-Maritime, Haute-Norman-die to his sister Madelaine (* about 1884). He married Marie Louise Azélie FROUIN in 1903, a daughter of Théophile Frouin
and sister of Louis-Gabriel and died on 15 July 1922 in Port Vila.
20 February 1904
Letter from a "Voyage autour du Monde" to Paris. The two 1892 New Caledonian 15c stamps are cancelled
with PCH type 5. 19 March 1904 Ligne N Paq. Fr. N°5 cds on front (Hong Kong ?), New Caledonia transit cds
23 FEVR 04 on reverse. (Goron coll.)
20 February 1904
20 February 1904 - reverse
20 February 1904
Tarif à 10c pour une carte postale à destination de la France. Oblitération Port-Vila 20 Fevr (0)4
avec PCH type 5 et transit NOUMÉA 23 FEVR 04.
10c postcard rate to France cancelled with PCH Type 5 Port-Vila 20 Feb (0)4 and NOUMÉA 23 Feb 04 on transit. (Millet coll.)
20 February 1904
Letter carried by the same ships as the two others at left:
Letter from Port-Vila to Barcelonnette (Basses Alpes) France
redirected to La Bréole.
The 1892 New Caledonian 15c. stamp is cancelled with GK type PM2,
Salles type 84M-OCT 19 MARS 04 LIGNE N Paq. Fr N°5 on front.
in transit and LA BRÉOLE 7 AVRIL 04 on arrival.
Carried by the PACIFIQUE Feb. run Sydney (12/02)-Nouméa-NH (20/02)-
Nouméa (23/02)-Sydney (28/02) as annexe of VILLE DE LA CIOTAT which
sailed from Sydney on 29/02 to France via COLOMBO where she reached
The letter reached Barcelonnette on 6 AVRIL and LA BRÉOLE on 7 AVRIL by train.
("SeSi" coll)
20 February 1904
reverse of the cover
17 April 1904
10c rate on a postcard to Spain. I don't know how many words were written on it. (Goron coll.)
17 April 1904
(new 9/2021)
2 June 1904
New Caledonia postcard with 4c stamp cancelled in Port Vila with type 5. Not known if the card travelled. ("Mele" coll.)
2 June 1904
New Caledonia picture postcards mailed in Vila with 4c New Caledonian stamp cancelled with type 5. (Treadwell coll.)
2 June 1904
New Caledonia picture postcard mailed in Vila with 2c New Caledonian stamp cancelled with type 5. (Yeomans coll.)
9 June 1904
New Caledonia picture postcard mailed in Vila with 2c New Caledonian stamp cancelled with type 5.
9 June 1904
New Caledonia picture postcard mailed in Vila with a 1892 4c New Caledonian stamp,
cancelled with PCH type 5. (Ruecker coll.)
9 June 1904
20 February 1904 - reverse
9 June 1904
A New Caledonian 1903 stamp is cancelled with PCH type 5 of the NC agency. The agency
was open from 20th March 1903 unti 31st October 1908 when the Condominium service started.
Until Decmber 1904 the postal agent was attached to the vessel which plied between the islands
and Nouméa in NC. ("JGI" coll.)
9 June 1904
A New Caledonian 1903 stamp is cancelled with PCH type 5 of the NC agency. The agency
was open from 20th March 1903 unti 31st October 1908 when the Condominium service started.
Until Decmber 1904 the postal agent was attached to the vessel which plied between the islands
and Nouméa in NC. Image thanks to Cavendish Auctions, GB
10 July 1904
Port Vila cds maritime use aera:
Following a New Caledonia Government decree of 20th March 1903 the French Language
'Port Vila' cds was introduced to cancel mail franked with New Caledonia stamps.
The cds was transferred to the newly opened Port Vila agency in December 1904
where it remained until 1924 ("JGI" coll.).
10 July 1904
(new 9/2021)
15c rate on a postcard to England. Transit Noumea 12 JUIL 1904.
Source Grosvenor Auctions.
2 August 1904
New Caledonia 1c and 4c stamp on a New Caledonian postcard (not travelled)
cancelled with PCH type 5. (Goron coll.)
2 August 1904
2 August 1904 - reverse
5 September 1904
New Caledonia 2c stamp on a New Caledonian postcard to Marseille
cancelled with PCH type 5. Until 1904 the postcard rate to France was 2c, then 4c. (Goron coll.)
5 September 1904
5 September 1904 - reverse
5 September 1904
(new 8/2019)
New Caledonia 2c stamp on a New Caledonian postcard cancelled with PM2. (RHM coll.)
5 September 1904
(new 8/2019)
reverse. PACIFIQUE started her return voyage from Noumea to Sydney on 7 September 1904 4 pm. So she could well have been in the New Hebrides on 4 September.
5 September 1904
(new 8/2019)
New Caledonia 4c stamp on a New Caledonian postcard cancelled with PM2. (RHM coll.)
5 September 1904
(new 8/2019)
reverse. It was rather common to sell pre-stamped and cancelled empty postcards to ship passenegrs in these years. Very often these carry addresses and
greetings which were added later.
5 September 1904
(new 8/2019)
New Caledonia 4c stamp on a cover(front) to Paris. That the cover really travelled (in contrary to many postcards) is testified by
a Nouméa transit cancel 6 SEPT 04 and a Paris receiving cancel (18 10 04) on the reverse.
Rediredted from "10, rue des bons enfants" to "rue Clauzel". (Kim Spurge coll.)
5 September 1904
(new 8/2019)
27 September 1904
Postcard to Spain, the 10c rate is paid by the New Calédonian 10c stamp.
Cancelled with PCH type 5. ("Aore" coll.)
30 October 1904
(new 3/22)
New Caledonia postcard from Vila to Provenchère-sur-Fave, Vosges, redirected to Toulouse. Cacelled on arrival Provenchère-sur-Fave, Vosges
30 October 1904
(new 3/22)
27 November 1904
(new 2/2020)
Postcard to Sulzern (written here "Soulzeren" - today Soultzeren, France) near Münster (today Munster, France), Alsace, Germany.
Today Alsace is French. Overpaid 5c as the long message non-colonoal postcard rate was 10c in 1904. Image thanks to Ceres Philatelie
The following cards are addressed to Miss Paule Gleizes in Noumea. She was the daughter of Mr. Gleizes, "substitut du procureur général", rue vauban, Noumea.
(Deputy General Prosecutor).
19 March 1905
Early usage of the PCH type 4 Pt. Sandwich cancel on a New Caledonian 5c
stamp on postcard to Nouméa. PCH record the first usage on 10 March 1905.
Another impression of the cancel was applied to the address side. ("RMD" coll.)
19 March 1905
19 March 1905 - reverse
19 March 1905
PCH type 4 cancel on a NC 5c. stamp on postcard "Cannibalisme-retour de chasse à
l'homme" to Nouméa . Another impression of the cancel was applied to the address side.
Same addressee as postcard above. ("SeSi" coll.)
19 March 1905
19 March 1905 - reverse
19 March 1905
PCH type 4 cancel on a NC 5c. stamp on postcard. Cancel illegible but reverse gives reason to assume that this
card was made together with the others. (unknown coll.)
19 March 1905
19 March 1905 - reverse
19 March 1905
PCH type 4 Pt. Sandwich cancel on a New Caledonian 5c cagou stamp on a postcard
from the same sender as [4.3.36 and 6a] above to the same addressee in Nouméa.
(Klinger coll.)
19 March 1905
19 March 1905 - reverse
19 March 1905
PCH type 4 Pt. Sandwich cancel on a New Caledonian 5c cagou stamp on a postcard
from the same sender as above to the same addressee in Nouméa.
(image thanks to Lugdunum Philatelie)
19 March 1905
19 March 1905 - reverse
19 March 1905
(new 3/2020)
PM3 Sandwich cancel on a New Caledonian 5c cagou stamp on a "Gleizes" postcard. (Klinger coll.)
19 March 1905
19 March 1905 - reverse
16 April 1905
Letter from Port Vila to Nouméa, the three New Caledonian stamps (50 years New Caledonia issue) paying the postal rate to New Caledonia. The center of
the PCH type 4 Port Sandwich cancel is inverted in accordance to the other letter from the same day. ("Mele" coll.)
Note: We have a postcard franked with an SFdNH "stamp" with the same date: please see: "locals - SFNH - cov. >1903".
Charles Blondeau was a judge in Nouméa from 1902 to 1909. (Anon coll.)
16 April 1905
Picture postcard to Choisy le Roi, France. The New Caledonian 10c stamp cancelled with
PCH type 4, only faint trace of the cancel below the stamp and same angle position on the
stamp as at left, same date and date block inverted on both cancellations.
The picture side shows a Cathedral in Sydney. (Klinger coll.)
16 April 1905
Picture postcard to the same address. The New Caledonian 10c stamp cancelled with
PCH type 4.
The picture side shows the Botanical Gardens in Melbourne. (seen on an internet auction)
16 April 1905
Picture postcard to the same address. The New Caledonian 10c stamp cancelled with
PCH type 4. Image thanks to Phoenix auctions Australia
16 April 1905
16 April 1905
(new 10/22)
Picture lettercard to the same address. The New Caledonian 10c stamp cancelled with
PCH type 4. Image thanks to Tropiques Collections
16 April 1905
16 April 1905
Picture inside
19 May 1905
Image of an original exhibit page of Stan Jersey's (†) well
known New Hebrides collection 50 years ago: "Registered letter Sakau [ilôt de Sakau](without a postal agency),
posted at Pt. Sandwich. Backstamped Nouméa, May 20; Paris, June 27."
Thanks Stan, for the negatives, Roland!)
19 May 1905
And here is the same cover as it looks now: earliest recorded registered cover from
Port Sandwich on Malekula with the correct 55c rate to France franked with 1892
New Caledonia stamps. Nouméa transit CDS 20 MAI 05 and Paris arrival CDS
Alexis Vezia is listed as a mother of pearl dealer living on the ilôt de Sakau,
which is one of the Maskelyne Islands which are close to the south coast of Malekula.
(Archive du Ministère de la France d'outre mer). Below Vezia's handstamp in 1914. ("JGI" coll.)
Vezia cachet 1914
Vezia cachet 1914
10 June 1905
Postcard to New Caledonia, with a correct 5 centimes rate (the 1905 issue)
tied by type 4 cds, ("Port Sandwich"), month block in Italic. (Treadwell coll.)
10 June 1905
Postcard to New Caledonia, with a correct 5 centimes rate (the 1905 issue)
tied by type 4 cds, ("Port Sandwich"), month block in Italic. (Klinger coll.)
10 June 1905
Postcard, the 5 centimes NC stamp tied by type 4 cds, ("Port Sandwich"), month block in Italic. Not known if travelled. ("Mele" coll.)
10 June 1905
Postcard, the 5 centimes NC stamp tied by type 4 cds, ("Port Sandwich"), month block in Italic. Not known if travelled. ("Mele" coll.)
11 June 1905
(new 7/2019)
Registered cover to Mortagne, Orne, France. Backstamped Mortagne 28 July 1905. The second oldest known Port Sandwich registered cover. Overpaid 5c.
The cover was brought to Sydney by PACIFIQUE (arr. Sydney June 17 - not from NOUMEA by VILLE DE LA CIOTAT as she left Noumea on 31 May)
and transferred to VILLE DE LA CIOTAT which left Sydney on 19 June due Marseilles on 28 July. Mails were transferred to CALDONIEN in Colombo
and were due at Marseilles on 25 July (maybe via Brindisi and Mount Cenis tunnel). This fits with backstamp 28 July.
(Kim Spurge coll.)
11 June 1905
(new 7/2019)
11 June 1905
Transpacific mail to the U.S.: letter to Philadelphia, the New Caledonia 25c stamp cancelled with Type 4 with
inverted date block. Noumé:a 13 June and Philadelphia July 15 - routed via Sydney. This cover came to Sydney on board the
Messageries Martimes steamer PACIFIQUE. She arrived in Sydney on June 18. ("Anon" coll., GB)
11 June 1905
Picture postcard to Meaux, France with the correct 5c rate. The New Calédonian
stamp is cancelled with PCH type 4 Pt. Sandwich with inverted date block. (Yeomans coll.)
11 June 1905
11 June 1905 - reverse
11 June(?) 1905
(new 9/2021)
5c rate on a postcard to a passenger of the PACIFIQUE with addreess Ile of Api. Most likely 11 JUNE 1905 PM3 as there are more of them.
Source Grosvenor Auctions.
11 June 1905
Picture postcard at 5c rate, address "Le C(ompte) A(lphonse) de Fleurieu a bord de Pacifique, Nouméa". The New Calédonian
stamp is cancelled with PCH type 4 Pt. Sandwich with inverted date block. The postcard is a Künzli Frères, Paris, No. 2
"Canaques en tenu de guerre". (Klinger coll.)
The MERCURY (Hobart) of 24 March mentions "Count de Fleurieu" on board the CORINTHIC as "an ardent French traveller".
Count de Fleurieu arrived at Melbourne on 24 March 1905 on the steamer CORINTHIC from London as "a French traveller" (ARGUS, 24 March 1905).
On 18 June 1905 he arrived in Sydney again on board the PACIFIQUE from the New Hebrides / Nouméa. He wrote the postcard in the New Hebrides
to himself on the PACIFIQUE. The ship left Noumé for Sydney on 14 June 4:00 p.m. On a normal run she would stay in Nouméa for two days
and needed one day from Vila to get there. So she left Vila on 11 June and arrived in Nouméa on 12 June.
11 June 1905 reverse
11 June 1905
Picture postcard "9 Forçts punis répondant à l'appel" (edited by Künzli Frères, Paris in the series "En Nouvelle Calédonie")
with a 5c New Caledonian stamp cancelled with GK type PM3 (the Port Sandwich postmark) on 11 June 1905 - June slug not present but the card is dated by manuscript.
The card was first sent 12 rue Murillo in Paris and then forwarded to Poncé-sur-le-Loir and carries an arrival postmark PONCÉ 28 July 1905.
The Comte de Partz was the owner of the "Château de la Flotte" there. (Kim Spurge collection)
11 June 1905
11 June 1905
Picture postcard "Nlle Calédonie - Jeux cancques" at the 5c rate. Cancelled with GK Type PM3 - no month but the card is dated by manuscript 10-06-05 and
on 11th the month slug started to faint or was even replaced by the non-italic one (see other cards and letters of 11 June 1905).
On 10/11 June 1905 the steamer PACIFIQUE was in Vila Harbour. This is a Fleurieu card too.
Image thanks to Steve Drewett & Empire Stamp Auctions
11 June 1905
Postcard "jeux canaques" at the correct 10c rate: the long message
around the picture read "Comment sont habillés les canaques demandait
une dame à un colonial? C'est bien simple répondit ce dernier: avec une
paire de gants on en habillerait dix!" (How are the natives dressed, so the question of a woman to a colonial officer. Very simple, he said: with a pair of gloves 10 can be dressed)
The 10c NC stamp tied by PM3 Port Sandwich with inverted date block.
Another impression of the cancel was applied to the address side :
Mr Renauld De La Templerie 8 avenue Marceau PARIS. ("SeSi" coll.)
11 June 1905
6 September 1905
Cover to France, the New Caledonia 15c cancelled with faint PCH type 4
(with omitted month block). Backstamped Nouméa 5 Sep 05 and Paris
20 10 05. So the month in Vila should have been September. PACIFIQUE, Capt. Loumeau, left Nouméa on 6 Sept. & arrived at Sydney on 13 Sept.
Passengers and mail were forwarded by the Southern Express train on the evening of
September 14 to Adelaide to join the DUMBEA (Messageries Maritimes ships had no postal agent anymore in 1905 therefore no Ligne T cancel)
which left Sydney on 11 Sept and Port Said on 15 Oct. She arrived at
Marseilles on 20 Oct but the letter had most likely been transferred to the "ERNEST SIMONS" in Colombo on about 30 September.
ERNEST SIMONS arrived in Marseilles on 19 Oct and the letter reached Paris on 20 Oct. (This info thanks to Jeff Blinco, Perth) ("Aore" coll.)
Jean Baptiste Baillère was a well known publisher of scientific - especially medical - literature.
6 September 1905
Front cancel and reverse of the cover: The Nouméa backstamp shows that it was first cancelled Nouméa 5 SEPT 05 and then
with the Port Sandwich cancel 6 mm 0y which was held on the PACIFIQUE supposedly. As the PACIFIQUE had been in Vily too I suppose that this was due to some
"laissez-faire" in the South Seas....
29 October 1905
(new 27 Oct 2020)
Postcard "Première habitation d'un colon" from Port Sandwich
to Coffrane Switzerland .
The NC 15c cagou stamp tied by PM3. Coffrane 10 XII 05 on arrival (or 16 XII 05).
Overpaid 5c : the non colonial rate was 10c.
The sender was Louisa Naturel born L'Eplatenier, wife of the well known
settler Georges Naturel (1864 - 1923) who founded the Valesdir plantation at Epi. (O'Reilly).
("SeSi" coll.)
29 October 1905
(new 27 Oct 2020)
xx October 1905 (?)
(new 9/2021)
Postcard to Eétretat, France. The NC 10c stamp is cancelled with Goyns-Klinger type PM3. Arrival cancel 13 Dec 05 (?)
Source Grosvenor Auctions.
xx October 1905 (?)
(new 9/2021)
27 November 1905
Postcard to Paris with a correct 10c. rate (correspondence more than 5
words) tied by Goyns/Klinger type PM3 Port Sandwich with inverted date block.
Written on board the Pacifique. ("SeSi" collection)
27 November 1905
Postcard to Le Mans. The addressee Melvil Morache (born on 17. July 1863) was a brother of Emile Morache, founder of the Journal des
Nouvelles-Hébrides (June 5th 1901, July 30th 1906) and agent for the Société Française des Nouvelles-Hébrides. He came
to the New Hebrides in 1896.
Emile Morache was the nephew of Louis-Emile Mercet (1842-1908), himself involved in New Hebrides newspaper le Mois Hébridais and president of the
Société Française des Nouvelles-Hébrides. Sounds like family business since Emile Mercet was the president of the
Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris, and Melvil René Morache had been a former director of the Comptoir National d'Escompte du Mans.
Correct 15c. colonial letter rate for 15g (15c until April 1906) tied by Goyns/Klinger type PM3 cds Port Sandwich with inverted date block. (coll. Fred Petit)
The letter was carried by S.S. PACIFIQUE
xx July xxxx