The New Caledonia Agency 1903 - 1908
Covers used in 1908

Pre Condominium

Plan of Port Vila (S.F.N.H. 1906)
Map of Vila

A map showing the places where the settlers live.

Rue d'Alma, Nouméa
rue d'alma 1900

Rue d'Alma in 1900
More than 100 years apart are these pictures of the street in Nouméa, where the two postcards here are addressed to. (pics thanks to Martin Treadwell)

rue d'alma 2003

Rue d'Alma in 2003
More than 100 years apart are these pictures of the street in Nouméa, where the two postcards here are addressed to. (pics thanks to Martin Treadwell)

Dal David Gubbay
Dale Gubbay

The two Gubbay postcards here may have been written by the man pictured on this card: Dal David Gubbay, who was in the New Hebrides since 1902 for his father's New Caledonian company. (Klinger coll.)

Dale Gubbay

Time table of the PACIFIQUE in 1908. (Klinger archive)


Is it just a coincidence that six picture postcards sent by one person on the same day from Port Vila to six different destinations come together side by side (virtually) after 100 years?


The following 24 picture postcards were offered in October 2010 by STRASBOURG PHILATÉLIE at Delcampe - seller name there: Scoubi. The Messageries Maritimes steamer PACIFIQUE had been in Port-Vila on this day so it is very likely that a tourist had them cancelled there and took them with him. They did not travel.

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